Dances of Universal Peace with Michael Sheehan & Michelle Sparks-Smith

Class Description

Everyone participates in this joyous multicultural form of embodied spiritual practice. Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of many of the world’s spiritual traditions, these circle dances blend chant, live music and evocative movement into a living experience of unity, peace and integration. This taste of our true nature – as Universal Peace – opens to the possibility of a deep spiritual revolution within each participant. Each dance is fully taught in just minutes by certified dance leaders. No experience necessary. No need to bring a partner!

Instructor Bios

Michael Sheehan is an established leader of the Dances of Universal Peace, with more than twenty years experience as a dancer, musician and leader. He began dancing at Keystone Church in Seattle in 1991. As Media Archivist for ONEness Project, Michael has edited, mastered, designed and produced a number of well-received dance CDs. Michael is also a singer/songwriter. His deeply moving music is available online at:

Michelle found her spiritual home in the Dances of Universal Peace in 1999, when she was struck by the depth and peace achieved in these “body prayers through movement.” Michelle has been leading dances since 2004, becoming a certified leader of the Dances in 2007. Sharing the deep inner joy that the Dances induce is a passion for her. Michelle also tutors children as a Certified Handwriting Specialist in both printing and cursive writing. See for more information.