Class Description
This class will teach the Art of Strutting, meaning to teach one how to Strut themselves on the floor, bay area style. Originating from the Bay Area with a rich history from Oakland, Frisco, Richmond, San Jose and more, Strutting is a combination of group oriented movements to strike, sac, lean, pose, thread, and strut yourself and only yourself.
Instructor Bios:
Jungwho Kim has been dancing across the states learning from mentors from the West coast to the East. His main influences come from the bay area with his foundation in boogaloo, robot, and strutting. Lead by the BRS and his love for footwork he has influences from hiphop, house, jookin, and geometry. Integrating these together has been a journey of self discovery and one where he recognizes the importance of sharing as he was given.
Westin kmetz has been competing and sharing his love of dance up and down the west coast, including international events called Freestyle Session and Massive Monkey’s Day with a foundation in Popping and Strutting and training in Modern dance. Homegrown from the Northwest, Westin brings a uniqueness that comes from traveling and honing his skills in our backyard.