“Daydreams and Nightmares” is a collaborative illustration series between Caleb Maltsberger and Leo Shallat. The works are a nod to M. C. Esher, with a toast to the future of imaginative surrealist illustrations. We are exploring the human imagination. Our themes are created by drawing from a foundation in sacred geometry, line work, and the human psyche.
About the Creators
Tiger Dragon (Caleb Jay Maltsberger) is originally from Seattle where he studied art at the Evergreen State College, but now resides in Portland, Or. His works reflect his great imagination. The work Caleb creates ranges from intricate illustrations with ballpoint pens to Zen watercolor landscapes. Caleb is a daydreamer that translates those dreams onto the canvas with whatever medium suits him.
Leo Shallat is a visual artist born and raised in Seattle, Washington. Leo’s work draws inspiration from a blend of calligraphy, form line design graffiti and abstracted typography. A sense of flow and graceful lines permeate his work. Leo has worked predominantly in the medium of painting and illustration and has begun to take his work to a larger scale painting murals from Seattle to Portland. Leo currently attends Gage Academy of Art in Seattle.